Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation
Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation
P.O. Box 5322, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 - (816)337-8000

About Us
About Us
Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation ("MHDC") was chartered in 1993 under the auspices of Missouri State and Federal 501(c)(3) regulations. The organization is a not for profit entity.
The Corporation is multi-tasked. However, its principal operational venue revolves around the provision of housing opportunities for indigent, low-income and socially disadvantaged individuals and families.
MHDC's current and projected methodology is multi-faceted. It encompasses new construction, renovation, rehabilitation and reclamation of properties in economically depressed areas. Once completed, housing units are provided free of charge or at low market rents to those who need assistance in obtaining safe, secure living environments for themselves and their families.
Those individuals who qualify for housing come from a variety of sources such as: The Veterans Administration, Salvation Army, Center for Abused Women, Beyond The Conviction, and other organizations whose charter provides for temporary housing assistance.
In that MHDC is principally involved with housing, it becomes possible to provide much longer term and, in some cases, permanent assistance to those needing a home.
It is the belief of the founders that without assistance many individuals and families will not be able to reintegrate themselves into the mainstream. We do not concern ourselves with what led those we help into their present situation. However, we are quite concerned with their honest desire to again become productive members of society.
We are primarily funded through donations, fund raising endeavors and extraordinary contributions of time and effort on the part of numerous volunteers.
As an adjunct to our primary goals, we believe that by providing renovated housing to sincere individuals, we can help restore to viable condition, economically depressed and blighted housing thereby improving the lives of not only those we help, but the neighborhood as well. We further believe that by restoring a sense of community in troubled areas, it becomes possible to help reverse the trend of deterioration that is destroying the physical and moral fabric of our society.
The organization has been formed to develop and manage and otherwise provide low to moderate income housing to individuals and families who qualify pursuant to the guidelines of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The mission includes providing quality housing for homeless, lower and moderate income families regardless of age, race, creed, color or religion.