Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation
Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation
P.O. Box 5322, Kansas City, Missouri 64131 - (816)337-8000

Home Buyer Assistance
Home Buyer Assistance
Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation’s grant or gifting program is designed to help provide down payment and\or closing cost assistance to qualified home buyers.
The purpose of the program is to help improve the quality of life and living conditions for the citizens of inner city, (urban core), Kansas City, Missouri. This program will allow additional opportunities for individuals and families to purchase owner occupied single-family properties in specified redevelopment areas.
Program Requirements
· A complete Application must be submitted for review.
· A personal interview is conducted with program staff.
· Applicant’s annual income must not exceed the current
U.S. Median Income levels.
· Attendance of counseling sessions consisting of:
1. Focus on responsibilities of home ownership,
home ownership and maintenance costs.
2. Financial Planning, including a current and
projected monthly budget, financial stability.
3. Credit, understanding credit bureau ratings.
Guidance and assistance, or credit counseling for
individuals with low credit scores.
4. Home loan financing, types of loans available,
qualifying for a home loan, (employment, credit).
5. Home selection, price range, qualification areas.
· Property Inspections, home visit to applicant’s current
home, (observe living conditions). Upon selection of
the proposed purchase property, a mechanical and
Housing Quality Standard inspection is completed.
· Proposed purchase home must be located in an inner
city, (urban core), redevelopment area. (Kansas City,
Missouri is current focal point area).
· Buyer must occupy the property as their principal
· A 3 year commitment for owner occupancy is required.
· Home loans must be fixed rate, with a maximum term
not to exceed 30 years. Balloon notes or adjustable rate
mortgages are not allowed.
· Maximum grant amount per individual or family is
currently $ 7,500.